inflatable anthropomorphic sculpture uses soft robotics to mimic breathing

inflatable anthropomorphic sculpture uses soft robotics to mimic breathing

a robotic machine that is ‘Searching for a Pulse’


MIT student Mateo Fernandez uses soft robotics to create an inflatable sculpture that visualizes breathing. ‘Searching for a Pulse’ is an anthropomorphic machine that is engineered to imitate a living organism or a pulsating organ. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the kinetic structure operates with soft robotics to mimic dynamic pulsations speculating a future ran by ‘breathing machines’. The fabricated skeleton sets up a 3D-printed ribcage of firmly conjoined polygonal frames through which inflatable soft material expands and contracts.

inflatable anthropomorphic sculpture uses soft robotics to mimic breathing
all images courtesy of Mateo Fernandez



the inflatable sculpture acts as a pulsating organ


The anthropomorphic machine acts as a pulsating organ pressing against its ribcage while simultaneously being the ventilator providing it with air through a series of tubes. ‘The slow cadence of air fluctuating through the machine mimics that of a patient on a hospital gasping for air, every time less and less and less’, shares the designer. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence and the Covid pandemic in our rear mirror, the object seeks to project the past of a world shut down by a pandemic through breathing onto its speculative future, a world dictated by breathing machines. ‘Air is the substrate that ties everything together’, adds Fernandez.

inflatable anthropomorphic sculpture uses soft robotics to mimic breathing
an inflatable sculpture visualizes breathing through robotic kinesis

inflatable anthropomorphic sculpture uses soft robotics to mimic breathing
the anthropomorphic structure operates with soft robotics to mimic dynamic pulsations



inflatable anthropomorphic sculpture uses soft robotics to mimic breathing
the fabricated skeleton sets up a 3D-printed ribcage of firmly conjoined polygonal frames

inflatable anthropomorphic sculpture uses soft robotics to mimic breathing
the inflatable sculpture operates as a breathing machine

inflatable anthropomorphic sculpture uses soft robotics to mimic breathing
inflatable soft material expands and contracts through conjoined polygonal frames

inflatable anthropomorphic sculpture uses soft robotics to mimic breathing
the machine acts as a ventilator providing air through a series of tubes




project info:


name: Searching for a Pulse
designer: Mateo Fernandez

video: Jabari



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: christina vergopoulou | designboom

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